Os restos mortais do homem
de vinte e oito mil anos (*) reacendem,
nas cinzas sobre a mesa dos cientistas,
fagulhas possíveis de sua vida.
Apesar das marcas da doença, terá sido feliz?
Corria pela floresta como as outras crianças,
em brincadeiras ágeis pela aldeia nômade,
ou tropeçava nos próprios genes e se ralava até desistir?
Aprendeu facilmente a falar as complexas palavras mágicas,
que traziam a caça e as frutas suculentas,
ou se alimentava dos restos dos meninos mais espertos?
Descobriu seu lugar ao redor da fogueira,
onde os cânticos marcavam os ritmos da vida e da morte,
ou teve que ser introduzido pela sua mãe contra os costumes da tribo?
Encontrou forças para se aproximar daquela moça,
fagulhas possíveis de sua vida.
Apesar das marcas da doença, terá sido feliz?
Corria pela floresta como as outras crianças,
em brincadeiras ágeis pela aldeia nômade,
ou tropeçava nos próprios genes e se ralava até desistir?
Aprendeu facilmente a falar as complexas palavras mágicas,
que traziam a caça e as frutas suculentas,
ou se alimentava dos restos dos meninos mais espertos?
Descobriu seu lugar ao redor da fogueira,
onde os cânticos marcavam os ritmos da vida e da morte,
ou teve que ser introduzido pela sua mãe contra os costumes da tribo?
Encontrou forças para se aproximar daquela moça,
que sorria para ele como se fosse sempre de manhã,
ou se deixou emudecer pelo coração disparado e tímido?
Foi capaz de construir sua própria cabana,
apesar da força e destreza que lhe faltavam,
ou teve que se contentar com as sombras alheias?
Sofreu com as marcas na sua pele o medo dos outros,
que sempre temem o que não conhecem,
ou disfarçou seu estigma com couros e panos primitivos?
Os ossos são categóricos: tenha sido ágil ou lento,
ou se deixou emudecer pelo coração disparado e tímido?
Foi capaz de construir sua própria cabana,
apesar da força e destreza que lhe faltavam,
ou teve que se contentar com as sombras alheias?
Sofreu com as marcas na sua pele o medo dos outros,
que sempre temem o que não conhecem,
ou disfarçou seu estigma com couros e panos primitivos?
Os ossos são categóricos: tenha sido ágil ou lento,
forte ou incapaz,
ele chegou à maturidade,
o que seria impossível sem o abraço acolhedor de seus irmãos,
o que seria impossível sem o abraço acolhedor de seus irmãos,
que aceitaram suas diferenças.
Mas as marcas em seu crânio são testemunhas indeléveis
Mas as marcas em seu crânio são testemunhas indeléveis
de que se passaram trinta e oito mil anos
sem cura para a sua doença.
Mas não passarão outros tantos sem ela.
É a esperança de outro Homo sapiens.
Tradução de Vincent M. Riccardi
The remains of the
twenty-eight-thousand-year-old man rekindle,
in the ashes on the table of scientists,
possible sparks of his life.
Beyond the marks of the disease … had he himself been happy?
Did he run through the forest like the other children
in nimble play in the nomadic village,
or did he stumble from his own genes
and make himself weary until he gave up?
Did he easily learn to speak the complex words of magic,
which brought the game and succulent fruits,
or did he feed on the leftovers of the smartest boys?
Did he discover his place around the fire,
where the songs marked the rhythms of life and death,
or was he merely introduced by his mother
against the customs of the tribe?
Did he find strength to approach that girl,
who smiled at him as if it were always morning,
or did he let himself be muted by his fired and timid heart?
Was he able to build his own cabin,
despite his lack of strength and dexterity,
or was he content with the shadows of others?
From the marks on his skin did he suffer from the others,
who always fear what they do not know,
or did he disguise the stigma with primitive leathers and cloths?
The bones are informative: whether agile or slow,
strong or incapable he has reached maturity,
which would be impossible without the warm embrace
of his brothers, who accepted their differences.
But the marks on his skull are indelible witnesses
that thirty-eight thousand years have passed
without a cure for his disease.
Not many more will pass without it.
It is the hope of another Homo sapiens.
Mas não passarão outros tantos sem ela.
É a esperança de outro Homo sapiens.
Tradução de Vincent M. Riccardi
The remains of the
twenty-eight-thousand-year-old man rekindle,
in the ashes on the table of scientists,
possible sparks of his life.
Beyond the marks of the disease … had he himself been happy?
Did he run through the forest like the other children
in nimble play in the nomadic village,
or did he stumble from his own genes
and make himself weary until he gave up?
Did he easily learn to speak the complex words of magic,
which brought the game and succulent fruits,
or did he feed on the leftovers of the smartest boys?
Did he discover his place around the fire,
where the songs marked the rhythms of life and death,
or was he merely introduced by his mother
against the customs of the tribe?
Did he find strength to approach that girl,
who smiled at him as if it were always morning,
or did he let himself be muted by his fired and timid heart?
Was he able to build his own cabin,
despite his lack of strength and dexterity,
or was he content with the shadows of others?
From the marks on his skin did he suffer from the others,
who always fear what they do not know,
or did he disguise the stigma with primitive leathers and cloths?
The bones are informative: whether agile or slow,
strong or incapable he has reached maturity,
which would be impossible without the warm embrace
of his brothers, who accepted their differences.
But the marks on his skull are indelible witnesses
that thirty-eight thousand years have passed
without a cure for his disease.
Not many more will pass without it.
It is the hope of another Homo sapiens.
(*) Atualização 30/7/18
A primeira versão deste texto foi publicada com a datação incorreta de 38 mil anos, quando a idade certa do fóssil Cro-Magnon com Neurofibromatose do tipo 1 é de 28 mil anos, conforme gentilmente corrigiu a pesquisadora Andrea Alveshere. Obrigado, Andrea.
The first version of this text was published with a wrong fossil dating of 38 thousand years, but the right dating of the Neurofibromatosis type 1 Cro-Magnon fossil is 28 thousand years, as it have been kindly corrected by the scientist Andrea Alveshere. Thank you, Andrea.
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